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2 Peter 1:10-15

10 “Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choice of you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; 11 for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. 12 Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them and have been established in the truth which is present with you. 13 I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder, 14 knowing that the laying aside of my earthly dwelling is imminent, as also our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. 15 And I will also be diligent that at any time after my departure you will be able to call these things to mind.”

Verse 10: Peter urges the believers to make every effort to confirm their calling and election. It’s important to understand that this confirmation is not about trying to earn or secure their salvation. Rather, it is about living in a way that aligns with their new identity in Christ. By growing in the qualities mentioned earlier, they can have assurance and confidence in their calling and election. This assurance is not based on their own efforts, but on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. As they continue to walk in the truth of the gospel, they will never stumble or fall away from their faith.

Verse 11: Peter assures the believers that as they confirm their calling and election through their faith and obedience, they will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This welcome is not based on their own merits or works, but on the grace and finished work of Jesus. It is a reminder of the secure and eternal nature of their salvation in Christ.

Verse 12: Peter expresses his commitment to continually remind the believers of these truths, even though they already know and are firmly established in the truth they have received. This reminder is not about questioning their knowledge or faith, but about reinforcing and strengthening their understanding of the gospel. It is a way to encourage and support them in their walk with Christ.

Verse 13: Peter acknowledges that it is right and necessary to refresh the believers’ memory as long as he lives in his earthly body. This shows his deep concern and care for their spiritual well-being. He wants to ensure that they continue to grow and mature in their faith, even after his physical presence is no longer with them.

Verse 14: Peter acknowledges that his time on earth is limited and that he will soon put aside his earthly body. This is a reminder of the temporary nature of our physical existence and the hope of the resurrection that awaits believers in Christ. Peter’s focus is on the eternal truths of the gospel and the importance of living in light of them.

Verse 15: Peter reassures the believers that he will make every effort to ensure that even after his departure, they will always be able to remember these important truths. This highlights his commitment to their spiritual growth and well-being. It also emphasizes the importance of passing on the truth of the gospel to future generations.

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