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Galatians 1:1-4

1 “Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through human agency, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead),2 and all the brothers who are with me,

To the churches of Galatia:

3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,4 who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.”

Verse 1: Paul establishes his authority as an apostle, not by human appointment, but by divine commission. He emphasizes that his apostleship comes directly from Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead. This highlights the divine origin and legitimacy of Paul’s message, the gospel of God’s grace.

Verse 2: Paul includes a greeting from the other believers who are with him, emphasizing the unity and collective nature of the message he is about to deliver. He specifically addresses the churches in Galatia, indicating that his words are intended for them.

Verse 3: Paul extends his desire for grace and peace to the Galatian churches. This greeting reflects the heart of the New Covenant, where believers receive God’s unmerited favor (grace) and experience inner peace through their relationship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse 4: Paul now delves into the core message of the gospel. He highlights the sacrificial act of Jesus, who gave himself for our sins. This act of selflessness was to deliver us from the present evil age. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are set free from the power of sin and the dominion of this fallen world. This deliverance is in accordance with the will of God the Father, who desires our redemption and restoration. Important to note: This salvation is not through keeping the law or any external spiritual regulations. This salvation is found in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. This clear delineation is critical to understanding Paul’s message in Galatians.

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