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Romans 5:1-1

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,”

Verse 1: Paul highlights the incredible truth that we have been justified through faith. Justification means that we have been declared righteous before God, not based on our own works or efforts, but solely through faith in Jesus Christ. As a result of this justification, we now have peace with God. This peace is not a temporary feeling or a result of our own actions, but a permanent state of reconciliation with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

As believers, we can rest assured that we are no longer at odds with God. We are no longer under His wrath or condemnation. Instead, we have been brought into a state of peace and harmony with him. This peace is not something we earn or strive for, but something that has been freely given to us through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

It is important to recognize that this peace with God is not dependent on our own performance or ability to keep the law. It is solely based on our faith in Jesus Christ and His work of justification. We can have confidence in this peace, knowing that it is secure and unchanging, regardless of our circumstances or feelings.

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